Progress Report #1
The Fishbowl Earth Project is a social media campaign to raise awareness about global warming, and what we can do to mitigate this threat to our environment. It was started in June, 2019. Although we don't have "financing," or "a budget," we have persisted nonetheless.
Let's see where we're at.
This blog
Got several blog posts up, and spent some money from the nonexistent budget on some stock photos. So far, absolutely zero activity on cross-linking to other blogs/sites, or doing anything to promote it. One cool feature of the blog is the the RSS feed for "global warming" news stories, which finds stories we often post to Facebook.
Facebook: Fishbowl Earth Page
This page has had regular updates with news articles about global warming, and also stories about scientific efforts to stop it. Stats on hits, likes, and follows have steadily increased over time. So far, all the interactions have been with immediate family, which is fine for now.
Twitter - @FishbowlEarth
Just started a Twitter account for Fishbowl Earth for promoting the blog, and making general announcements. One idea is tweeting temperature records, wherever they occur in the world, which could tie in to a bigger project here at the 'Bowl to collect Big Data on temperatures for historical comparisons in real time.
Fishbowl App (Android, IOS)
If Fishbowl Earth had a flagship, this would be it. Still in the design phase, this app will provide data on current climate conditions (C02, extreme temperatures), as well as provide some kind of social interaction feature for sharing information about the environment.
What about Youtube, Instagram, etc.? Yep, still got some work to do on building out our "presence" on the internet - we are a huge fan of bootstrapping, which is starting with a little and using that to build as you go. Using this approach gives you the flexibility to hone your message, and also make sure that your various outputs are synced from the beginning.
So there you go! Our first progress report. Future reports will contain more concrete data about stats, but you gotta start somewhere.
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