Maybe ask for help?
UFOs have hit the mainstream recently, partly due to the accidental release of UAP activity (the military prefers Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon, according to the article). Increasing evidence seems to point to something we don't understand, but (as yet) hasn't seemed to have overtly harmed us. Is it a "them" from another world (or worlds)? If there are crafts as large and maneuverable as have been reported, why haven't they attacked? What do they want?? Assume for a moment that Hollywood's doom and gloom of global visitation isn't correct - it's more Steven Spielberg's E.T. , and less Independence Day . What if the short squashy guys have a stake in our future? What if they were here to help? Could we ask them somehow?? This out there as an idea, but if you think that Earth is being visited by aliens, it's reasonable to assume they have the technology to help us with our little CO2 problem. Is it as simple as putting the sy...